Why Does Windows 10 Take So Long To Download
Close the wizard, restart the computer.
Windows Server TechCenter. WSUS taking a very long time to download updates. Windows Server > WSUS. Or even to tell BITS to use all the bandwidth during a certain time of day so that downloads complete faster? Thanks, Jared. Saturday, July 6, 2013 4:24 PM.
- How to: 10 Tips before installing Windows 10
- How to: 10 things to do if Windows 10 Setup fails.
then try upgrading manually:
Option 1:
Right click the MediaCreationTool.exe file then click Run as administrator.

Note:How to verify if you downloaded or installed the Windows 10 November Update
How to create a ISO or USB drive.
Select Upgrade this PC now then click Next
Option 2:
Pre-requisite Task
When making significant changes to your computer such as updating the operating system, you should always backup. See links to resources about backing up by clicking the link for the respective version of Windows you are running: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1
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- Disable (preferrably uninstall) your Antivirus utility before attempting the upgrade.
- Restart a few times then try again.
- Disable General USB Devices (example - Smart Card Reader).
- If you are using a SCSI hard disk, make sure you have drivers available for your storage device on a thumdrive and it is connected. During Windows 10 setup, click the Custom Advanced Option and use the Load Driver command to load the appropriate driver for the SCSI drive. If this does not work and setup still fails, consider switching to a IDE based hard disk.
- Perform a clean boot, restart then try again.
- If you are upgrading using the .ISO file, disconnect from the Internet during setup, if you are connected by LAN (Ethernet) or Wi-Fi, disable both then attempt setup again.
- If you are updating through Windows Update, when the download reaches 100% disconnect from the Internet LAN (Ethernet) or Wi-Fi then proceed with the installation.
- If that does not work, try using the .ISO file to upgrade if possible.
- If you are connected to a domain, switch to a local account.
- If you have any external devices attached to the machine, disconnect them (example, gaming controllers, USB keys, external hard disk, printers, non-essential devices).
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MVP-Windows and Devices for IT
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Why Do Windows 10 Updates Take So Long To Download And Install
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Why Does Windows 10 Take So Long To Download And Install
If confident your PC meets the Windows 10 Specificationsand are aware of any listed unsupported OS features, then you can bypass Get Windows 10 app in the System Tray to Install Windows 10 using the media creation toolchoosing the first option to automate the Upgrade which overcomes almost all issues with Get Windows 10 in the System Tray.
However in the same amount of time it takes to download that option, you can choose the second option 'Create Media for another PC' to make bootable flash or DVD media to keep for any needed repairs or reinstall, and can be run from Desktop to Upgrade. This media also gives you an extra option to Save Nothing during the Upgrade which overcomes Upgrade choking on corruption or bloated factory installs and gets as close to a superior Clean Install as an Upgrade can get.
With this media you can even do the superior Clean Install Windows 10 Upgrade to activate directly with the Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 Product Key (even if embedded) as specified in the Version 1511 FAQ at the end of Activation in Windows 10 - Windows Help.
But if you prefer to run an in-place Upgrade the media must be opened in Windows 7/8.1, then right click Setup file to Run as Administrator. If using Flash installer, set the Hard drive (or for UEFI: Windows Boot manager) first to boot in BIOS setup to keep it from restarting installation at reboots during Upgrade.
If asked do not insert a Product Key at any time, click Skip, Next or Do this later.
If you want to maximize chances for a successful Upgrade, then choose to Save Nothing so the Upgrade has much less to choke on and has less problems after install. Make sure your files are backed up separately and you have your program installers and any Product Keys for programs like Office.
To improve the Upgrade's chances turn off everything at Startup:
Type msconfig in Start Search box, right click System Config Utility to Run as Administrator. In Startup and Services tabs after making sure to Hide all MS Services disable everything except anti-virus, any synch, stickies, printer using scan.
Uninstall any anti-virus except Defender. Bloated AV's like Norton, McAfee, AVG and Avast need to have special Uninstallers (removal tools) for common antivirus software - ESET Knowledgebase.
It’s highly recommended to Create a backup System Image of your existing OS before upgrading, which can be recovered using the booted Windows installation media, Repair CD or Recovery flash drivein 20 minutes. Type Backup in Start Search box, in Backup and Recovery Center choose Create a System Image. You can also use a more flexible imaging program like free Macrium Imaging which allows recovery to any partition position on the hard drive.
Immediately after install, type Update in Start Search box to Check for Updates, expedite these through requested restart, then check again until no more are offered.

Next right click Start button to open Device Manager, import any drivers still missing from the PC or Device's Support Downloads webpage. How to: Install and Update drivers in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community
Step 2: Install the Xbox gaming receiver software If you have the installation disc that came with your Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver, Please insert the disc and install the software.It’s not a problem even if you don’t have the disc because all the softwares available on Microsoft software download section. • Follow the on screen steps to install the software. To install the software from a disc: • Insert the installation disc into the CD or DVD drive of your computer. If the setup program doesn’t automatically start, browse to your CD or DVD drive and run the setup program. Microsoft wireless controller driver download. Note You might be prompted to restart your computer please restart your computer after the software installation.
Stick with built-in Defender in Windows 10 for best performance and adequate protection. If you get infected add the inexpensive Real Time protection from the best-in-class free malware scanner Malwarebytes. No one I’ve had do this has ever been infected again. I'd also periodically scan with free Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner scanners.
Feel free to ask back any questions and keep us posted on how it goes.