Pokemon Origins Hulu Download Torrent
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Pokémon: The Origin [4/4] (Size: 1.58 GB)
Description - Fansub: After Dark Fansub - Audio: Japonés - Subtítulos: Español (fijos) - Género: Aventura - Estudio: OLM | Production I.G | Xebec - Director: Hideya Takahashi - Año: 2013 - Formato: mkv - x264 acc - Tamaño: ~ 450 MB - Duración: ~ 20 min - Resolución: 1280x720 Related Torrents
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Watch Pokemon: The Origin Episodes Online for Free. Episodes are available both Dubbed and Subbed in HD.
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
During their Alolan vacation, Ash, Pikachu and Ash's mother encounter new Pokémon and deliver a Pokémon egg from Professor Oak to the Pokémon School.
Ash and Pikachu start classes at the Pokémon School with Professor Kukui and their new classmates, who are impressed by Ash's Z-Ring.
Team Rocket arrives in Alola. Professor Kukui gives Ash a Rotom Pokédex that can speak and interact with humans, and Ash heads out to catch Pokémon.
Ash and Pikachu's failure to capture a wild Alolan Pokémon results in a visit to the Pokémon Center. Team Rocket meets a Mimikyu and a Bewear.
The class takes an ocean field trip to help the water Pokémon train, and Popplio practices blowing bubbles. Team Rocket heads to the beach too.
Alone in the house for the day, Ash and his Pokémon friends struggle with domestic tasks, including laundry, cooking and grocery shopping.
Ash meets a wild Litten on the way to school; it takes advantage of his kindness by stealing his lunch and running away, and he decides to catch it.
The class receives a Pokémon egg to care for as an assignment, and Lillie agrees to take care of the egg to get over her fear of handling Pokémon.
Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island, gives Ash his first Island Trials task: solve an infestation of Raticate and Rattata peacefully.
Ash prepares for his first Island Trial, in which he must defeat Hala, who's skilled with fighting-type Pokémon and who also has his own Z-Moves.
Ash and Pikachu visit Kiawe's family dairy farm on Akala Island, where there are lots of Pokémon and lots of chores to help with.
Ash and his classmates go on a field trip to the ocean. Little do they know that Team Rocket is there too, hunting for more Pokémon.
Ash decides to enter the Great Alola Pancake Race along with Pikachu. They're up against last year's champion and her Alolan Raichu.
The two Pokémon eggs hatch into Vulpixes: Lillie's is an Alolan type that she names Snowy. She and her Pokémon now have to get to know one another.
When Ash and Professor Kukui notice Rockruff coming home injured, they install surveillance cameras -- and learn that Rockruff is training in secret!
Lana's Popplio and Ash's Rowlet are blown away in one of Popplio's balloons. While Ash and Lana search for them, they fall straight into Team Rocket!
When Ash loses his Z Crystal, Rotom takes the chance to imitate the detective on his favorite TV show, with Pikachu assisting him on the case.
Ash helps Mallow search for a legendary ingredient so she can recreate a traditional Alolan recipe, but Team Rocket is also on the prowl.
Ash realizes that he may be facing Tapu Koko in a rematch soon, so Sophocles offers to help out with scientific research for his training.
After hearing stories about 'Treasure Island' from his friends, Ash sets off to explore the island with Pikachu and comes across a mysterious sight.
Ash runs into Litten and its friend Stoutland again on his way home. When he learns Stoutland is ill, Ash takes it to the Pokémon Center.
Ash spots a strange little shovel moving around by itself during a training session. According to Kiawe, touching a Sandygast’s shovel means trouble.
Ash and his friends go to a concert starring DJ Leo and his Alolan Dugtrio. Afterwards, they learn that Prof. Kukui and Leo are old friends.
Family Visit Day is approaching at the Pokémon School. Ash is working hard on a speech for the occasion when his mother and Mr. Mime come to visit.
When Team Rocket spy on Ash and Kiawe demonstrating their Z-moves, they're determined to find their own Z-crystals. But Team Skull wants them too!
Sophocles learns his family may be moving away. He's sad about leaving his friends at the Pokémon School, and so is his Togedemaru.
A mysterious trainer with a powerful Lycanroc easily defeats Team Skull, and rumors about him spread. Then Lillie reveals that he's her brother!
Ash and his friends are ecstatic when the famous Pokébase player and Pokémon School graduate 'Olu'olu comes to umpire a class game of Pokébase.
Students and Pokémon take a camping trip together. After they wake up feeling mysteriously drained, they realize there's something in the forest.
Ash and his friends switch Pokémon for two days for a class assignment. Ash takes Snowy to his house while Pikachu goes home with Lillie.
The Akala Island Kahuna Olivia, comes to the Pokémon School. Ash and the rest of the class head to Akala for a practical class under her supervision.
For the first class on Akala, Ash and his friends are paired with Stoutlands for a treasure hunt. Lillie and Lana struggle with their partners.
Ash and Lana go Pokémon-fishing in a lagoon famous for a certain type of Pokémon. Meanwhile, Kiawe takes everyone else to his family's farm.
The students go to the Wela Fire Festival, but before their Pokémon can take turns wearing the Wela Crown, a wild Marowak appears and steals it!
Making traditional Akala curry requires special ingredients. To get everything on their list, Ash and Mallow face wild Pokémon and more.
At long last, Ash battles Olivia in the Akala Island Grand Trial Challenge. Ash's Rowlet and Rockruff face Olivia's Lycanroc and Probopass!
The night of the battle, Rockruff sneaks off and meets the island guardian Tapu Lele. The next day, the whole school searches for him.
After Team Rocket loses a battle against Ash and Kiawe, Jessie and Mimikyu land in a shopping mall, but Mimikyu's disguise is damaged.
Feeling unappreciated at her family restaurant, Mallow runs away. While her friends and Team Rocket search for her, she meets an Oranguru.
Lana and Popplio are working on their Z-move, but without much success. When performer Ida and her Brionne visit, Lana asks to train with her.
Sophocles asks Ash and Kiawe to join his team in the annual experimental Charjabug car competition. But Team Rocket also has their eyes on the prize.
When the Pokémon School visits Kanto, Ash reunites with his old friends Misty and Brock and with his old Pokémon! But Team Rocket is back too.
It's just like old times when Ash and his friends battle Misty and Brock at the Cerulean Gym, with Z-moves versus Mega Evolution.
After returning to Melemele Island, Ash has a strange dream. Then he and his friends find an unknown Pokémon in the forest, and Lillie's mom visits!
Cosmog goes to school with Ash, where Team Rocket have parked their donut truck. They scheme to steal Cosmog, but it's got teleportation powers.
Lillie's mom invites everyone to her private island, but her assistant Faba is being creepy towards Cosmog, and Team Rocket has infiltrated the staff!
When Ash starts thinking about Lillie's brother Gladion during Pokémon bathtime, Cosmog teleports them to Gladion's location: a valley full of Pinsirs!
Lillie argues with her mother over recording her activities, casting a shadow over the group sleepover at Ash's house with Professor Burnet.
Following the incident in the cave, Lillie regresses and can't touch Pokémon again. Gladion initially blames Ash, but then starts to suspect Faba.
Undeterred, Faba hatches a plan to kidnap Cosmog and use it to open a wormhole to Ultra Space. Lillie, Ash and the crew are hot on his heels!
While Ash worries about Cosmoem, Lillie and Gladion decide to rescue their mother. To get to Ultra Space, they must find the Guardians on Poni Island.
Ash and his friends commune with the Island Guardians, who brought Cosmog to him. Professor Kukui heads to Poni Island to help Professor Burnet.
After arriving in Ultra Space using Solgaleo's power, Lillie and the gang find Lusamine, but she's merged with the Nihilego that kidnapped her!
Lusamine's possessed Pokémon fight desperately. While Ash, Pikachu and Solgaleo attempt to pin her down, Lillie confronts Lusamine in person.
After everyone arrives back at the Pokémon School, Solgaleo vanishes, causing Ash to mope. Professors Kukui and Burnet have an important announcement.
The Pokémon School's Komala drops into a lesson on Pokémon battling. After a Jigglypuff appears, it picks a fight with Komala.
When Ash and the professors leave Rotom in charge of the house, it accidentally switches places with the Rotom in a new washing machine!
James' Mareanie spoils his attempts to catch a Frillish and capture a Toxapex with whom he has a tortured past.
Lana's little sisters return from a walk in the forest with an unusual berry, which Mallow recognizes from when she and Lana were young.
The class takes a trip to Ula'ula Island to learn about Alolan ice-type Pokémon along with Kahuna Hala, where they're introduced to Poké-sledding.
A wormhole from Ultra Space opens on Melemele Island, and the Ultra Guardians receive their first assignment: stop Buzzwole's rampage!
Team Rocket mistakes an Alolan Meowth for their Meowth. The new Meowth goes back to their base and seems to be planning to take over Meowth's life.
Ash and Litten watch Masked Royal's latest Battle Royale on TV, then decide to accept his open challenge, along with their friends.
Pokémon School's star alum Ilima comes back for a visit with his Eevee, and Ash tries Poké Diving. But Team Skull interrupts his match with Ilima!
The class tries Poké Ping-Pong after a lecture from Ilima, then attends his tournament. Ilima is looking for a rematch, and Team Rocket has plans too.

The Poipole returns, and only Pikachu spots it! While Ash and his friends search for Pikachu, Team Rocket start hunting for Poipole to kidnap it.
A battle with Team Skull nearly makes Ash late for work experience day. The class takes over running the Pokémon Center for Nurse Joy, who has a cold.
Sophocles finds a buried rocket ship while out camping in a bamboo forest. He assume it's from a fairy tale, but it may be an Ultra Beast!
Resort executive Bourgain offers to buy Kiawe's family farm, and he won't take no for an answer. To end his sabotage, Kiawe and Marowak challenge him.
After a group of Dewpider are forced out of their home, one of them gets separated from the rest. When it meets Lana, it develops a crush on her!
Mallow's big brother Ulu and his Lickitung return from their journey just in time for the Alola Bread Festival, and they decide to enter it together!
Giovanni tells Team Rocket to head to Ula'ula Island to see the Island King about a Z-ring. There they meet a legendary troublemaker named Gengar.
Prof. Kukui tells the class a Pokémon League may form in Alola and Ash heads to Ula'ula Island for Island Trials with Nanu, Giovanni's old friend.
Pokemon Movies On Hulu
After their defeat by Nanu, Ash and Lycanroc want to grow stronger. Acerola suggests seeking out the Island Guardian, Tapu Bulu.
Now that Team Rocket have a Z-Move, they want to capture Pikachu. Nanu sends them to battle Ash at an abandoned supermarket, with Acerola as judge.
Ash and Lycanroc face off against Nanu and his Dark Pokémon for a rematch in the Island Grand Trial! But Nanu fights with more than just Pokémon.
After a presumed Ultra Beast takes the stage at a fireworks festival, the Ultra Guardians are summoned to capture it. Then another one appears.
The class travels to the Hokulani Observatory, run by Sophocles' cousin Molayne, to see a Minior Poké-shower, and Poipole makes friends with one.
A short cut through a cave system turns complicated: Ash and Kiawe get separated from the group and Lillie finds herself challenging a Tyranitar!
When Ash sees the Revengers about to cheat in a Battle Royal, he and Torracat jump into the ring to fight alongside Masked Royal as the Double Royals.
Professor Kukui assigns the class Pokémon dancing. As students and Pokémon practice their moves, Team Rocket plots to steal a backup dance crew.

Faba returns, showing off his latest invention: an incredible shrinking machine. But when it goes haywire, Ash, Sophocles and Lillie get shrunk!
Ash and Poipole meet artist Mina and her empathic Ribombee. Poipole begins expressing itself through painting, but then its feelings take a dark turn.
After practicing vaulting in gym class, the students mistake Ultra Beast Stakataka for a vault box. The Guardians pursue it to Viren's building site!
The Ultra Guardians and their Ride Pokémon travel to the Pokémon Paradise Resort for some relaxation. But Team Rocket are already on-site with a plan.
Pokemon Origins Hulu Download Torrent Download
On the eve of a solar eclipse, the adults are strangely exhausted. The Ultra Guardians set out to disperse the clouds to access a giant wormhole.
With a mysterious attacker draining the Alola's region's Ultra Aura, the Guardians fight it off with Solgaleo's help.
The Guardians find Poipole's original home and learn from Ultra Beast Naganadel that Necrozma, who they know as UB Black, was once the Blinding One.
At the height of the eclipse, island kahunas, humans and Pokémon alike lend their energy to Necrozma. Working together, they turn back the darkness!
Ash, Kiawe and Mimo visit Pikachu Valley and meet Pika-expert Pikala. Everyone learns a lot about Pikachu and Ash's Pikachu makes lots of new friends.
Kukui gets roped into taking Burnet and Ash to a Masked Royal meetup at the mall. To keep his secret safe, Kukui asks for Molayne’s help.