Matricom Xyba Controller Driver Windows
Hi all,
Was having issues getting bluetooth working on Retropie update, so I did a clean install to 3.8.1. I now have the onboard bluetooth working like a gem and can pair devices, but now there's a different issue. I bought a Matricom G-Pad BX, and I can get it paired, but when I go in to set the controls using the mapping interface in Retropie, it does not recognize my two front bumpers. All other keys, including back bumpers, sticks and dpad, register no problem.
Matricom G-Pad Bluetooth Controller with the Axon Series. This controller functions as both a bluetooth controller and a mouse for Android as well as works with PC and PS3. I tested it with the ZTE Axon 7, ZTE Axon Mini, ZTE Axon Pro, AXON M and with my PS3 (had some difficulty with this one but will get into this later in the thread).
I've connected to my computer to make sure it's not a faulty controller, and they work just fine on my computer. I haven't tried the manual configuration yet, and guess I can, but not sure if anyone else has had a similar issue before I start trying to go deeper into problem-solving.
Relatively new to all of this, so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
/edit to add, the right thumbstick works on clicks, but also does not work for directional controls. If it's a controller issue this was like 20 bucks so not the end of the world, but would love a rec so I don't make a similar mistake...
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› Matricom wireless controller drivers
XYBA CONTROLLER | Wireless Bluetooth Gaming Controller
Matricom’s Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad. The XYBA universal gaming controller is a high precision wireless Bluetooth gaming controller with 3D feedback motors. Connect the XYBA to your gaming console, PC, Bluetooth device, or VR headset.
G-Box | Android for Tv | Matricom | The Future of Android™
Discover the Future of Android. Upgrade you home entertainment with a G-Box and G-Pad from Matricom and start streaming, gaming, and working better today!
Matricom XYBA Controller Manual
Uploaded due to this manual being difficult to find online, specifically on Matricom's website. ... Matricom XYBA Controller Manual sportscardude. ... Review Matricom G-Pad XYBA Wireless ...
Transcribed manual for Matricom GPad controllers. · GitHub
Transcribed manual for Matricom GPad controllers. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
The Matricom Gamepad Manual
Until this company fixes their website (which might be never), this is the only copy of this manual I'm aware that exists online.

Controller Options - NES Retropie - Google Sites
These are the best controller options that I have found: ... Either update it on your own using the instructions here or contact Michael and he can switch memory cards with you. ... Matricom Gpad XYBA Bluetooth controller that resembles a PS4 controller. Very good build quality, but the buttons are a little slow for fast action games.
Matricom GPad XYBA Wireless Wired Controller! | Gadget ...
Matricom GPad XYBA Wireless Wired Controller! Friday, December 08, 2017. Follow @GadgetExplained: A game pad controller like the Matricom Gpad XYBA is the perfect solution for gaming on the couch! You can play emulated games on your PC or Android phone and also hook it up to a PlayStation 3 (PS3) console. ... Follow by Email. Popular Articles.
Matricom XYBA Bluetooth controller : recalbox - reddit
Matricom Controller Setup
Rewind Control time and rewind the game in case of fatal error! Screenshots Take screenshots of your game and share your awesomeness! Savestates Save anywhere in the game, and reload your game just as quickly! Wireless controllers Recalbox supports Xbox 360 (With USB Adapter), PS3, 8Bitdo and standard bluetooth controllers, so you can play from ...
Reviewing the Matricom XYBA gamepad ~ Android Coliseum
So, we told you how Fortnite had an update to now allow mobile players to use controllers - and we're looking for the right controller. Right now we're playing with the Matricom XYBA gamepad - which runs about $25CDN on Like that's pretty inexpensive, but is it the right one for you? To ...
Matricom GPad XYBA Wireless Wired Controller! When using different emulators, you will need to configure the buttons for each emulator. The only strange thing, that nowhere in the box is any contact info of manufacturer, even not an email address in the manual. Sony DualShock 3 Gamepad
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